About MKTGsquad

We are a collective of marketing professors and thought leaders who are passionate about using cutting-edge academic research to create outstanding customer experiences.

Digital technologies, such as social media and augmented reality, are fundamentally changing how marketers engage with customers. Today, consumers demand to have their voices be heart, and marketers have lost control over the content and reach of their message. How do you keep up?

There is no shortage of tactical suggestions and Top-10-lists online. These are great to fine-tune your digital marketing tacts, but they won’t help you build long-lasting and successful brands. For this, a strategic outlook is needed.

We founded Marketing Squad to provide exactly that: Marketing strategies and frameworks – free and unbiased.

On Marketing Squad, we offer in-depth insights about a variety of topics related to emerging marketing practices. Our topic editors are marketing professors who are published experts in their respective fields. They create and curate the best resources and analysis that help you stay up to date with marketing tactics and strategy.